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Who We Are

Your Ontario Tech EngSoc lobbies the voice of over 2000 undergraduate engineering students at Ontario Tech University in Oshawa Ontario. The OT EngSoc is the advocacy body for the engineering student community at Ontario Tech, in which strives to provide services and experiences to favour an unforgettable University experience. This services and experiences does not only aim for a proper representation internally and externally from campus, but also to cultivate a sense of community throughout each student member.

Main Focuses of EngSoc


Professional Development

Support our students in building connections with industry, and to improve their professional and interpersonal skills.



Ontario Tech EngSoc commits to provide opportunities available to everyone and make the necessary accommodations to improve accessibility and inclusivity throughout the society’s operations.


Health and Wellness

Work with the University and faculties to continuously improve the quality of our student’s university experience regarding health and time management

Continuously work towards a variety of events that incentivizes and creates awareness of mental and physical health



Academic and external advocacy for our students.

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